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Beginner Swim Training Series - WOD #2

Here’s your cross-training WOD to start your week.

The Beginner Swim Training Series is tailored for the swimmer who can complete 25yd of each of the 4 strokes, and 50yd free. Each WOD is approximately 1 mile/ 1650yd, give or take a couple hundreds.

Completing this WOD series will prep you for the Intermediate Swim Training Series.

Here’s the WOD: WARM-UP (350 yd)

100 yd Free

4 X 25 yd (odd - Free/ even - choice kick) :30 rest

3 X 50 yd (25 choice stroke/ 25 Free) :30 rest

MAIN SET ( 1,250 yd)

2x [

4 X 25 yd Free :45

3 X 50 yd (25 Free/ 25 Back) :30 rest

4 X 25 yd Free :40

2 X 50 yd (25 Back/ 25 Free) :30 rest

4 X 25 yd Free :35

1 X 50 yd (25 Free/ 25 Back) :30 rest

25 yd easy swim choice 1:00 rest


COOL-DOWN (100 yd)

4 X 25 yd easy swim choice


  • Free - Freestyle

  • Back - Backstroke

  • Yd- Yards

  • :30 - 30 seconds intervals

  • 1:00 - 1 minute intervals

  • :30 rest - 30 seconds rest begins when you touch the wall

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